Day 20: Riding 4 Amp Camp – Ballina to Grafton

We had an excellent night at the Ramada Hotel and Suites Ballina. We decided to have dinner at one of the onsite restaurants as we were meeting with Emma from Amputees NSW to discuss how the ride has been so far and plan some of the logistics for the remaining six days.


Getting up this morning was a challenge given the comfort of our beds and accommodation. Whilst downing a coffee and fruit and watching the sun rise, we witnessed more dolphins frolicking in the river. The Ramada has been an impressive place to stay.


The weather this morning was cool and the wind was blowing from the south west. As we rolled out of Ballina, there was one last important stop I had to make before re-entering the Pacific Highway. But first, a little history. Back in 1992 there was a young guy, who lived in the little town of Young in South Western NSW, and there was a girl living in Tweed Heads. Their relationship had been growing and the young man travelled to Tweed Heads to see his girlfriend. It took 12-14 hours on buses and numerous stops at road houses until, eventually, he arrived tired and knew that within 24 hours he’d be back on a bus returning to Young. After a special time together, he was on his way on the returning bus. The bus made its first stop in Ballina, at the old roadhouse. Already annoyed at having to leave the love of his life, he walked to the payphone (remember this is pre-mobile phone days) and rang his girlfriend with one message and request, “Will You Marry me?” Her answer? “Yes!” Now that call was made beneath an icon on our trip down the coast – The Big Prawn. So, for any of you out there who are wondering if you have to spend thousands on getting the proposal right with activities and events, let me tell you that event took place nearly twenty-five years ago to the day and Merrilynne and I have been happily married for 24 years. Long live the Ballina Prawn! At this point my wife will raise the issue of an Eternity Ring…hmmm that’s why I didn’t ring her from beneath the Big Prawn this morning!


Back on the road and we were making good headway. I think the few days of riding with Kym, Martin and Keith has spurred me on. Despite a headwind I was still able to lift the average speed to 27km/h over the 130km of today’s ride. The Pacific Highway has lived up to its reputation with some very wide shoulders along the way, although, there have been some hairy moments where the edge is less than a foot wide with trucks and other vehicles passing at 100km/h. There were no close calls and I praise the truck drivers again for their professionalism and patience.


Travelling down the Pacific Highway is always a nice journey for me and one which reminds me that my father rode his bicycle from Sydney to Brisbane. He was in his late teens when he made the journey to visit his Aunt and Uncle and pursue work. In some sections, I don’t think the road has ever been upgraded from when he rode this route. There are major road works occurring between Grafton and Ballina due to an investment and upgrade expected to be finished by 2020.

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Making our way into Grafton in good time, has given us the opportunity to rest up and complete some of the administrative things we need to do each night which delay us getting to bed early. Signage to the support vehicle’s doors has now changed to Amputees NSW, reflecting the change from Queensland to New South Wales. Please support the Amputees NSW team as they raise funds in support of Amp Camp. Donations to Amputees NSW can be made via the following address, or through visiting their website


Tomorrow, we will be heading to Macksville as we try to rearrange our run into Sydney. We will be riding through Coffs Harbour tomorrow and hoping for another day of great weather and supportive winds. Sydney here we come!!

Until tomorrow,
Mike and Grant

6 thoughts on “Day 20: Riding 4 Amp Camp – Ballina to Grafton”

  1. I loved the story which ensued from under the Big Prawn!!
    I remember going to Brisbane for a few days as part of our holiday in Queensland after the ‘Big Prawn’ proposal. We invited that same young lady to come and stay at the hotel with us overnight and during the first day we found ourselves in a bridal shop…yes this young lady who later became our daughter in law had found her dream wedding dress. Hey Mike…eternity ring!?!?

  2. Certainly not the most romantic of proposals. We have even spent our 24th Wedding Anniversary apart for this ride…but you could make it up to me by giving me an Eternity Ring!
    Love you and am proud of you.

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